Powerful Blocks

Looks Great! Feels Great! Intuitive WordPress Gutenberg blocks to build your dream website.

Robust Magazine Blocks

Components necessary for your websites are bundled in the form of Magazine Blocks. Assemble them to craft your website!


Design distinct layouts by inserting blocks into rows and columns. 

Banner Post

Showcase a variety of posts in different layouts. 


Create visually appealing titles with markup options ranging from H1 to H6.

Grid Module

Utilize the full-width block to showcase highlighted posts. 

Feature Post

Highlight important or attractive posts on your site. 

Feature Categories

Spotlight different categories and their associated posts for easy navigation. 

Tab Post

Present the latest and popular posts in a tabbed design.

Post List

Showcase your posts in a small list format.

Post Video

List videos from YouTube with the WordPress video post format. 


Upload images for advertisements in different standard and sizes. 

Category List

Display categories for users to read content based on their interests.  

News Ticker

Automatically scroll through posts, for a continuous flow of information. 

Social Icons

Connect users to your social profiles by adding social icons on your site.


Allow users to view posts in slides either manually or automatically.

Date & Weather

Provide real-time information on the current time and weather conditions.


Grasp users’ attention with visually stunning modal popups.

Create Different Post Layouts with Ease! 

Magazine Blocks is a Gutenberg page builder plugin that is simple to setup and easy to use. Create perfect looking webpages for magazines, blogs, and news portals with just a few steps all by yourself. 

Magazine Blocks is a Gutenberg page builder plugin for creating Magazines, News Portals, and Blog websites. Try our customizable post blocks to create different post layouts the way you want!  

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